Monday, April 03, 2017

UVa 10079 ( Pizza Cutting )

The ACM-ICPC Live Archive

UVa 10079 ( Pizza Cutting )

10079 Pizza Cutting
When someone calls Ivan lazy, he claims that it is his intelligence that helps him to be so. If his
intelligence allows him to do something at less physical effort, why should he exert more? He also
claims that he always uses his brain and tries to do some work at less effort; this is not his laziness,
rather this is his intellectual smartness.
Once Ivan was asked to cut a pizza into seven pieces to distribute it among
his friends. (Size of the pieces may not be the same. In fact, his piece will be
larger than the others.) He thought a bit, and came to the conclusion that
he can cut it into seven pieces by only three straight cuts through the pizza
with a pizza knife. Accordingly, he cut the pizza in the following way (guess
which one is Ivan’s piece):
One of his friends, who never believed in Ivan’s smartness, was startled
at this intelligence. He thought, if Ivan can do it, why can’t my computer?
So he tried to do a similar (but not exactly as Ivan’s, for Ivan will criticize
him for stealing his idea) job with his computer. He wrote a program that
took the number of straight cuts one makes through the pizza, and output a number representing the

maximum number of pizza pieces it will produce.
Your job here is to write a similar program. It is ensured that Ivan’s friend won’t criticize you for
doing the same job he did.


The input file will contain a single integer N (0 N 210000000) in each line representing the number
of straight line cuts one makes through the pizza. A negative number terminates the input.
Output the maximum number of pizza pieces the given number of cuts can produce. Each line should
contain only one output integer without any leading or trailing space.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Solution : 

using namespace std;
int main()
    long int n,a;
        if( n>=0 && n<=210000000)
            a= ((n*(n+1))/2)+1;
        else if(n<0)
    return 0;

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